Reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete, or RAAC as it is more commonly referred to, is a building method legacy crisis which has gained a lot of press in recent times due to the way in which concrete was produced and applied; it is effectively a cheap alternative to standard concrete, it is much lighter and was therefore easier to install, however, its aerated characteristic means it is “bubbly” much like a chocolate Aero bar.

This bubbly effect makes the concrete significantly weaker than traditional concrete as it is prone to structural failure when exposed to moisture; the bubbles act as channels for the water to penetrate deep into the material, over time weakening the concrete leading to often catastrophic failure with very little, or no, notice. RAAC was used predominantly in flat roofing structures between the 1950s and 1990s, which is why we offer RAAC rectification and remedial work in Edinburgh and throughout the central belt.

RAAC was used extensively within Edinburgh and the issues with its use are only now beginning to manifest and cause untold problems and potential risks. If you are responsible for a roof or building which you suspect may be supported with RAAC within Edinburgh or a 100 mile radius, we are the contractor to contact, having carried out a high number of successful packages in this field.

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0131 316 4747

Apex Contracts Ltd
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Company No: SC585880
VAT Reg No: GB286983042
38 Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 6JN